Daily Prompt

Daily Prompt: Circle

Circles, what do they mean to you, they can symbolize a lot of things or they can simply be something drawn on a piece of paper. In a lot of cases that can mean something very whole or pure, but other times it can simply be a shape that you see on a tree, or… Continue reading Daily Prompt: Circle

Daily Prompt

Daily Prompt – Organize

What does it mean to you when you hear the word "Organize"? To organize, in my opinion, means getting your area of focus put into an orderly fashion. That specific order all depends on how you truly desire to put it together. I personally can say that I love to have things organized. Certain areas… Continue reading Daily Prompt – Organize

Daily Prompt, Thoughts and Questions, travel

Daily Prompt – Sail

Sometimes the day can feel like it's just not moving anywhere and other days it feels like you didn't even get a chance to breathe.  Taking the time to tighten the lines of your sail and catch more wind to power up your day can seriously give some great benefits. The same goes the other… Continue reading Daily Prompt – Sail

Daily Prompt, Mindfulness and Meditation

Daily Prompt – Relieved

One of the great feelings in life (for me at least) is the feeling of relief. Relief comes at the perfect times, it comes at the worse times, and sometimes you don't get relieved at all. A simple reason why I enjoy feeling relieved is right in the word itself (RELIEF) which also points to… Continue reading Daily Prompt – Relieved

Daily Prompt, Thoughts and Questions

Daily Prompt – Magnet

Whether you understand how magnetization works or not, at some point in your life you've likely been exposed to magnets or played with them or even just used them to hold up papers or pictures on the refrigerator.  The word magnet can mean something different based on the context or the person talking about it.… Continue reading Daily Prompt – Magnet

Daily Prompt, Thoughts and Questions

Daily Prompt – Sunny

 The sun is an extremely powerful source of energy. It heats the earth and gives plants their food. The amount of energy given off by the sun is purely amazing. You can sit out on a Sunny day and get absolutely fried to a crisp just by being exposed to it from 93,000,000 miles away. … Continue reading Daily Prompt – Sunny