
Long time no write – new puppy!

So yeah, I think it's obvious I haven't written in a long time. We got a puppy, and life has just been super busy... Monel and I got engaged back in February in the airport we met in (Chicago O'Hare). Phoebe was there too as we were on the way to Hawaii for vacation.It was… Continue reading Long time no write – new puppy!

Achievement, Mindfulness and Meditation, podcast

The School of Greatness with Lewis Howes: Wilmer Valderrama: Create Fearless Confidence and Achieve Anything

Do you ever feel like you have issues with confidence? Do you have problems achieving your goals? I highly suggest that you take a listen to the episode linked below, on the School of Greatness podcast by Lewis Howes. He meets and talks with Wilmer Valderrama on many subjects but mainly about his career and… Continue reading The School of Greatness with Lewis Howes: Wilmer Valderrama: Create Fearless Confidence and Achieve Anything

Achievement, podcast

The School of Greatness with Lewis Howes: Conscious Parenting with Dr. Shefali Tsabary

I’ve written a couple of times about Lewis Howes and the guests he has on his podcast, The School of Greatness. This episode is quite interesting as it involves discussion about why kids are the way they are these days and how we can fix that moving forward. Dr. Tsabary and Lewis talk about the… Continue reading The School of Greatness with Lewis Howes: Conscious Parenting with Dr. Shefali Tsabary

Achievement, Health and Fitness, Mindfulness and Meditation, podcast

The School of Greatness with Lewis Howes: 500 Episodes of Greatness!

I've written about podcasts many times already and have already featured Lewis Howes' School of Greatness, but this is a great episode that captures some of the best moments of the last 500 episodes. Check this podcast out, give it a shot! Check out the podcast, just listen to this one episode and see how… Continue reading The School of Greatness with Lewis Howes: 500 Episodes of Greatness!

Achievement, Thoughts and Questions

Automatic Plant Watering Using Arduino

As you're already aware from the title of this post, it isn't like most of my other ones. This is more of my engineering side. I have some plants around my apartment and while we were prepping for vacation to the Philippines I thought, "how will my plants get watered?", and immediately started to do… Continue reading Automatic Plant Watering Using Arduino

Mindfulness and Meditation, Thoughts and Questions

Creation and Powerful Thinking

No, I'm not posting about the idea of creationism or evolution or the long standing battle between the two.  What this is about is how great it feels to create something. Think about the last project you did, where you had to create something. Whether it be at work, at home, in a club of… Continue reading Creation and Powerful Thinking

Daily Prompt, Thoughts and Questions, travel

Daily Prompt – Sail

Sometimes the day can feel like it's just not moving anywhere and other days it feels like you didn't even get a chance to breathe.  Taking the time to tighten the lines of your sail and catch more wind to power up your day can seriously give some great benefits. The same goes the other… Continue reading Daily Prompt – Sail

Daily Prompt, Mindfulness and Meditation

Daily Prompt – Relieved

One of the great feelings in life (for me at least) is the feeling of relief. Relief comes at the perfect times, it comes at the worse times, and sometimes you don't get relieved at all. A simple reason why I enjoy feeling relieved is right in the word itself (RELIEF) which also points to… Continue reading Daily Prompt – Relieved

Daily Prompt, Thoughts and Questions

Daily Prompt – Commit

Giving something your all, proving to yourself or someone else that you can and will do something, there are so many ways to show you are committed to something.  To commit, for me, means to give something my all without giving into failure or giving up until I have truly given it my all. Commitment… Continue reading Daily Prompt – Commit

Daily Prompt, Mindfulness and Meditation

Daily Prompt: Delta

Transitions in life or changes in life can be hard to manage and deal with sometimes. Today's daily Prompt is about the world Delta.  Delta can be the difference in something or a transition into something. Learning to deal with things during a transition or a change is hard but figuring out a way to… Continue reading Daily Prompt: Delta