Daily Prompt, Mindfulness and Meditation

Daily Prompt – Relieved

One of the great feelings in life (for me at least) is the feeling of relief.

Relief comes at the perfect times, it comes at the worse times, and sometimes you don’t get relieved at all.

A simple reason why I enjoy feeling relieved is right in the word itself (RELIEF) which also points to release or to remove a burden from yourself. Being an engineer in the automotive industry, there are a lot of deadlines that have to be met and it can get a little hectic at times. However, once you get a big portion of a project done and have everything documented and properly released, you can sit back and say “Ahhhh”, and that is the sound of perfect relief and gratification for a job well done. 

Make sure you take some time to enjoy the feelings of relief, it is hard to say how long they will last and when the next one will come about. 

What kind of things do you feel relieved above recently?

Stay classy!



Daily Prompt – Relieved:


6 thoughts on “Daily Prompt – Relieved”

  1. I’m waiting for something so I can go home. I’ll be truly relieved when what I’ve been waiting for for a week now will finally arrive. Hopefully tomorrow. Then there’ll be relief. 🙏🏻

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